Empowering Culinary Exploration
Tips for Teaching Cooking Skills to Youth with Disabilities

NEW from the Washington State Department of Health
Cooking classes are a new fad and are popping up everywhere. It's not unusual to locate a culinary class in a grocery store, health facility, YMCA, or higher education opportunities. There is ample research on the impact of culinary instruction and positive health outcomes for persons with disabilities, but little on program design or skill-set development. Creating a culinary program that promotes health and independence for persons with disabilities through the use of the active engagement model is key!
This training is for anyone who would like to advance cooking skills for individuals with intellectual developmental delay, cognitive and/or motor impairment.
Click on the following to access the online class https://rise.articulate.com/share/JrHDftyHWX3p2AEeOx5atn2DSR4n90IT#/